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Welcome to Eglinton Oak Dental!

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to learn about our services and our general practice. At Eglinton Oak Dental we are always look forward to welcoming our new patients and that’s because we see our new patients as members of our family.

If you need any extra information, feel free to contact us: Call 905-607-1112

office photo

A New Patient Form Is Available

We also take great pride in informing you that we address all your dental needs from the comfort of our offices. Only in extremely rare instances have we issued referrals, and those continue to be just in the minority.

Download our fillable pdf, fill in the easy-to-use, private form, to save you time on your first visit, and upload it to our website when requesting an appointment, the first time only.

Note: You may fill out the form online and download it with the changes, or fill it out after downloading it.

Contact Eglinton Oak Dental Today